Wednesday, July 27, 2011

hump day

coming at ya from my tempurpedic mattress.

HAPPY HUMP DAY LADIES AND GENTS! (even though i know no one with a penis is reading this.) now get your mind out of the gutter. hump day doesn't mean everyone gets to act like a slut. it just means that the middle of the week has finally approached us and after today we will be over the hill, two days away from the weekend.

on this beautiful, 86 degree, 0 percent humidity, hump day i want to talk about the do's and don'ts of one of my favorite things. twitter.  twitter is something that has most definitely taken Villanova's campus by storm and will slowly but surely make its way into the lives of my friends back home.  i really find it flattering that 171 people care about my thoughts and daily activities. so popular. however, there are things that are not meant to be published for all of your followers to see. examples are the following: 

1. flirting. i do not need to see your retweets at girls and winky faced responses in my twitter feed. especially if i don't even know the broad. chances are if you've kissed her before and you're looking for a booty call, you have her cellular number, and you can text her. 
2. speaking of texting, that's the second don't of twitter. don't tweet things that are meant for texting. i could care less if your long lost middle school boyfriend's summer is going well, or if you're trying to visit your cousin at school this weekend. catch up with people and plan shit in a text message. 
3. incorrect grammar. if you're going to post something that hundreds of people will be reading, please make sure it's in english and spelled correctly. i actually judge people that have bad spelling. not sorry about it. 
4. talking shit.  don't get me wrong, i adore talking shit. but there is a time and a place. if you actually wanted to have an argument as to why hockey isn't nearly as important as baseball, you can have it face to face or again, through a text convo. when you talk shit in a tweet, it is first and foremost super fucking annoying for the people that don't like hockey or baseball.  

these are my words of wisdom. please listen or i will stop following you. 

twitter is gang$ta 

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