Monday, November 7, 2011

weekend recap

it's finally freezing! leggings and boots and sweaters are in full force thank gosh. side note: i can see the sunset out the window of my apartment right now and it's sick nasty. i digress, my friend alexa's parents are here this week and we're having a lil get together at her apartment tonight to meet them. and they're bringing wine. that costs more that three euro. when other people's parents come it makes me extra anxious for the rod fam to take espana. 13 days!

after miss jade hamilton left madrid to go to russia or something dumb like that, our weekend continued. friday a great discovery was made. mexican food in madrid. the memory of finding it is bringing tears to my eyes. i miss mexican food SO much. just so you know, it's entirely different than spanish food. same language, different cooking habits, who woulda thunk? i was in too much of a food coma after enchiladas that i didn't do much else friday night. but then saturday i had to go to a play for my literature class. not only was it in spanish, duh, but it was in the middle of nowhere. we asked people on the streets and even cab drivers where it was and they had no clue.  hence, why we were forced to wander the in dark for quite some time, look extra american, and arrive 30 mins late. it was a play by lorca and had a ridiculous plot as always. also, in spanish theatre, talking doesn't exist. EVERYTHING IS YELLED. actually though. and this is coming from a girl who could be heard in the quad from my room in sheehan. #truestory. three acts and two and a half hours later, we got out of there to start the main events of the night. we had another friend's guest to show around, so we had to drown our livers in alcohol and stay out until 5am again. clearly. we decided to mix it up and try a more authentic spanish club though. the bouncers at the first one we went to were poop heads. they didn't let us in just because we were americans! or they didn't think we were pretty...but what are the chances of that happening c'mon. it was my first encounter with discrimination. twas scarring. but after being shot down in spanish, we weren't discouraged. we walked to this other club tucked away in a place that i didn't even know existed and after our friend mac was forced to change his shoes (apparently this was a classy institution) we dropped 12 euro and danced the night away.  it was actually really fun being the minority for the night, well, more so than usual.

on sunday kim came back yay! and i went shopping cause i realized i don't own sweaters or clothes i can layer. how have i survived two years at villanova? lord only knows. oh, i also went to mass on sunday. i haven't been since easter but i'm trying this new thing where i look to a higher power to help through shit. i'll let you know how that goes. i do have to say, i'm proud of myself for remembering the our father in spanish. guess my high school education wasn't for nothing.

one more day of school till i can focus on packing for paris. rough life right?

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