Sunday, September 25, 2011

clubbing contrecoeur

i. am. exhausted. and i didn't even do anything last night. i guess my late thursday night is finally catching up with me.

we made it out by 1:30 two nights in a row! if that isn't an achievement in madrid i don't know what is.  obviously i had the time of my life at Kapital and i feel like i'd be cheating on it if i ever go out somewhere else. (the constant banging of the garbage cans outside my window right now are making me distracted, my apologies if the rest of this makes no sense.) friday night i told myself i'd come home at a reasonable hour after walking in at 630am that morning, and i guess i was successful if you consider 4:30 a reasonable hour. i'm not sure what it is about the night life here that makes the concept of time disappear. but i don't hate it. after two nights of no sleep and spending money, saturday day/night was my time to relax. i started shopping for my sensation barcelona outfit saturday afternoon which got me even more excited for that weekend. cannot wait to be the birthday betch. and then saturday night i had a hot date with my computer and  i'm not sure if you've heard, but i'm in a serious relationship with my american television shows. sins.

it was nice to sleep a solid 9 hours though because this morning i went to el rastro. mol bakes would have died and gone to heaven because this is no ordinary flea market. it goes on for miles and a ton of the stuff is hand made. of course, i had to buy three bracelets and a ring because i have a jewelry addiction problem.  i just finished up the majority bare minimum of my homework for tomorrow and i am legitimately falling asleep on my desk. guess that means it's time to stop typing.


oktoberfest: 5 days
birthday: 12 days
sensation: 14 days

new favorite song:

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