Thursday, September 29, 2011

thirstay thursday

i almost just had a panic attack because i thought i lost my black skirt, aka the only thing i wear out these days cause its still 85 degrees in almost october. not to worry though, marisol assured me that it was in the ironing pile. i be so spoiled.

i haven't blogged in a few days because all i've been doing is going to class, sleeping, and eating croquetas.  what are croquetas you ask? they are essentially deep fried smiles and rainbows. katty betch can testify to that. anywho. i decided that whoever claimed going abroad for the semester would make school a joke clearly pussied out and went to a city like london. granted, having 1-2 page compositions in a few classes isn't killing me, but it takes me twice as long to translate it into spanish. ergo, creating a pain in my a$$. and of course i have three small responses due the monday after i return from munich. assuming i'm not too drunk to make my flight. (joking mom.) i'll try and get at least one composition done before i siesta and go out tonight...but let's be real.

i still can't believe i'm getting on a plane to germany tomorrow. #abroadgirlproblems. #not. the only downside is that i'm missing my program's planned trip to valencia. i'm hoping german beer will quickly convince me that i'm not missing much. the truth is, valencia will be there next weekend, but oktoberfest will not.

studying paintings like this during my art history class make me feel extra tan.

went to see this movie with my film class last night. naturally, it's about antonio banderas kidnapping the man who raped his daughter. and then transforming him into a woman. and then he locks him/her up in his house. for 6 years. while they have sex a lot and fall in love. and then in the end he/she gets revenge and kills the puss in boots. makes sense right?
dueces, gotta go rest up for free beer pong tonight.

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