Tuesday, September 13, 2011

HUMPDAY (kind of)

so many things to blog about, so little time. well, i guess i have all the time in the world but i obviously need to siesta for two hours.

my newest discovery: spanish. boys. are. creeps. there's just no other way to put it. i feel like the ones ages 21-25 aren't as bad, but boys ages 17-20 need to fuck off. stay away from me. no, i don't want to "ride your pony." (i wish i was kidding.) i never thought i'd say this, but i think i hate spanish boys even more than lax bros.  i'll just be waiting for a spanish prince charming to come along and change my mind.

on another note...

i'm trying this new thing here where i immerse myself in the culture. crazy right? so yesterday i went on a tour of a museum called the reina sofia, (casually saw picasso's Guernica in real life), signed up for a cooking class, and decided to go on a day trip to segovia this friday. sometimes i can't believe that i have all these crazy opportunities.  last night i even tried something new. i did the same old tapas for dinner but instead of going to a discoteca or a hookah bar, i went with some friends to a jazz club. granted it was cla$$y so drinks were more expensive, but i didn't hate it. i'm into musica of all kinds and love singing jazz (it's really the only thing that sounds good with my voice) so i thought it was great. and i was pleasantly surprised when most of the songs were in english. such a rare thing around here.

since i don't have classes on friday, as i am sure to rub in everyone's face mention on a weekly basis, it's officially the middle of the week. meaning i only need to use this much brain power for two more days of class. score.

her voice was flawless

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