Monday, August 29, 2011

the bitch is back

not blogging for six days was actually harder than you'd think. which probably makes me pathetic. long hair. don't care. i had an amazing time at villanova doing nothing while all my friends had class and drinking every single night. whoever doesn't think that's fun shouldn't associate with me. and of course, there was a fair share of drama. drunken fights, drunken eating, tears, laughs, hook ups, break ups, dance parties, vma's, hurricanes, and nights i don't remember. after all that i was really surprised, as you can imagine, when i wasn't more upset to be leaving this morning. i was bummed that bitchface irene messed up my chances of saying goodbye to most of my friends, but i wasn't entirely bummed to be getting on a plane.  my mind isn't on missing out on the fall semester in amurica anymore. it's now on packing. and getting my senora a housewarming gift. and making spanish flash cards to read on the flight.

new countdown time: 6 days eeeek!

in other news: SLOANE'S PREGGERS. BEYONCE'S PREGGERS. babies in real life. babies in fake life. babies everywhere.

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