Friday, August 12, 2011


finishing up my friday with the dinner of champions.  taco bell of course.  can never get enough of those nachos bell grande.  (i realized i talk about food a lot on this.  probably because it's one of my only true loves in life.  i find it to be a small miracle that i'm not morbidly obese.)

i got my last paycheck of the summer today.  i can't believe i'm not gonna have anything to look forward to at the end of every other week. i managed to save a total of, drumroll please, around 2500 dollars to bring to spain with me.  that's not nearly enough. i'm going into a panic induced coma.  i'm really hoping my family members will be willing to donate to the "give andie money to make memories in europe and buy beer at oktoberfest" fund....a girl can dream.

the most interesting part of today was when i went to the dentist.  and by interesting i mean annoying. this is the time to stop reading if you have a loved one who's a dentist for a living.  you'll probably think i'm being disrespectful or something dumb like that.  after waiting for 20 minutes in the waiting room for my lovely routine cleaning, i was stuck in a chair with a dental assistant who couldn't figure out how to take a goddamn x-ray. it literally took 30 minutes.  that's when i first started thinking dentists don't know what they're talking about.  that thought was reaffirmed when she kept telling me how great my teeth are.  of course, i'll take any compliment i can get, but i never floss, and i drink coffee every day, and i rarely wear my retainers.  pretty sure it's her job to tell me how much i suck, not fall for how well i fake dental care.  as you could have guessed, dentists aren't my favorite. hence why i ate a cupcake as soon as i left the office.

i'm gonna go play beer pong now.

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