Sunday, August 21, 2011


i have been dreading watching the movie taken since i decided to study abroad. i have this problem that when i watch scary shit in the media, i get paranoid. hence, my fear of walking from my car to my house late at night. my mom has been telling me since i got home in May that "i can't go to spain until i watch this movie." i guess she thought it would teach me what not to do. after putting it off all summer i decided to watch it last night, with a friend, and all the lights on.  probably not the best thing to two weeks before i leave but better late than never i guess. 

first, it didn't really teach me much.  i did learn not to share a cab with ANYONE. especially not a cute french sounding guy named peter.  but i already knew not to do the other stuff those dumb girls did.  i would have never told a complete stranger that i didn't know where i was staying, that i was staying alone, and then left the door unlocked so that twenty minutes later he can come kidnap me.  at least, i hope i wouldn't have done those things. second, the rest of the movie was slightly unrealistic. and by slightly i mean entirely. i'm sure they accurately portrayed sex trafficking and the exploitation of women. but in terms of her dad that just happened to be on the phone when they were kidnapped, and who just happened to work for the FBI, and who just happened to kick everyones ass who stood in his way, this movie was crap. that just doesn't happen. third, after she's saved by her superhero father, she is miraculously positive and normal. no one seemed to think that she should be upset that her cousin is dead  or that she should partake in extensive amounts of therapy. i wouldn't smile for years if i went through half the shit that girl did. fourth, i realized that if anything in this movie ever did happen to me, i'd be fucked. no one would know where to start looking. or that there were only 96 hours before i was lost forever. no one would find me. and i'd die. 

as expected, i slept like shit last night. tonight i will watch nothing but the oc and sleep like a baby.  

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