Friday, August 5, 2011

it's time for a cocktail

it's been a long week. actually, i'm being dramatic because i only work three hour days, but whatever. it's finally the weekend and since i only have a few left in sunny california i plan on living it up.  tomorrow i'm gonna go boating which, despite the fact that i have only been up on a wakeboard for .5 seconds, has become one of my favorite summer activities. anything that involves sitting on my butt, getting fresh air, bronzing, and boozing is something i consider to be worth my while. hence why tonight, i am going to indulge in a much needed cocktail. or five. i'm sure there are a few people out there who could use a drink more than i do tonight, but i'm gonna pretend like the world revolves around me. what a change...

speaking of alcohol, i felt like a true betch the other day when i had an epiphany. i realized that i really love cocktail parties. yes, like parties for old, single, middle-aged people. recently, i accompanied my parents to a family friend's birthday party only because i knew it would be equipped with an open bar. oh, and because i knew it would be a good photo opportunity. trynna get my tagged picture count up. anyway, i ended up having a legitimately great time.  not only because i was drinking free patron instead of popov, but honestly, because i enjoy the activities that go down at a cocktail party. they include the following:

  • not paying for alcohol. the supply is almost unlimited and the demand is far less than at a frat party. and not to mention of a much higher quality.  
  • getting to brag about myself. call me crazy, but i like to occasionally talk about myself. we're all guilty. yes i go to a respectable university, yes i get to spend the next four months in spain, yes i'm in a kickass sorority, and yes i love seeing this 45 year old mom be impressed/jealous of all of the above. 
  • compliments. 90% of the people at this party hadn't seen me since i was a braces-ridden, awkward 14 year old. if i wasn't getting compliments on how i looked better now, i probably shouldn't be showing my face in public.
how could anyone argue that a cocktail party isn't a good time with the combination of all those things going on? i don't have time to come up with a witty way to end this because i'm running late and in a towel. bow chica wow wow. 

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